Our Work
What is Intentional Community?
Sky gave this presentation as part of the Community Finders Summit summit with Cynthia Tina. It’s an in-depth look at what makes Intentional Community what it is, and about what it could be. It isn't just a thing, its an experience, with amazing variation and a rich history, and has the potential to change the world!
The New 5 R’s of Rehumanize
We've started working on a Strategic Plan, which pulls together into everything we’ve been developing for the past months. We're gradually adding more detail as we map out specific efforts to come. But for overarching guidance we added a new central intention, the 5 R's of Rehumanize:
Recollect - Our experiences focus on rallying together and remembering that sharing is key to humanity’s survival.
Revision - Our stories include a variety of perspectives and incorporate what has come before to lead us into viable visions for the future.
Repurpose - Our actions are driven by conscious meaning and the joy of creating new forms from what already exists whenever possible.
Recharge - Our economies are fueled by care and the understanding that process is the outcome.
Reintegrate - Our lifestyles are balanced within the ecosystems we reside and take into account more than just our individual selves.
Art by Maisie Richards @roundwaterdesign with Lokotah Sanborn and #CreativeWildfire
Podcast Features
Sky was featured in two episodes of the Inside Community Podcast, hosted by Rebecca Mesritz, produced by the Foundation for Intentional Community. Check out the episode on radical economics in intentional community. And check out the episode on the State of the Intentional Communities Movement also featuring Yana Ludwig and Cassandra Ferrera.
Community Makers Collective
Heading into the Summer of 2022, the Community Makers, made up of Grace, Kaison, Avi, Sky, and baby Maika, are putting serious effort into starting a new intentional community.
More Than Microcosms
In 2019, we did a research project that culminated in a paper and presentation for the International Communal Studies Association. We did a follow up presentation of this work for the Cohousing Association of the US.
Click here to read the paper. Click here to watch the presentation.
Practicing Anti-Racism in Intentional community
In the Summer of 2020 we presented this online workshop through the Foundation for Intentional Community.
Click here to watch the video.
In this workshop, which was geared towards white people in predominantly white communities, we continued the conversation started by Sky in a previous workshop on Examining White Supremacy Culture in Intentional Community.
West Coast Communities Conference 2018
Our first experience working together was as part of the team putting on the 4th annual West Coast Communities Conference, hosted by the Goodenough Community at their Sahale Retreat Center. The theme that year was Cultivating Collective Liberation: Intentional Communities as living laboratories for social transformation.